Inconsistencies that appear in multiple logs are actual inconsistencies and should be deleted. However, you cannot delete TemSe inconsistencies in the background. To perform the deletion, start report RSTS0030 in dialog for the subareas of TemSe, in which the consistency check found inconsistent objects. Select TST01 and TST03 for the check. Where Used List (Program) for SAP ABAP Table TST01 (TemSe: List of objects and parts) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository. Job Name: SAPSPOOLCONSISTENCYCHECK Report: RSPO1043 Variant: Standard Variant Frequency: Daily Job Description: Job is for Spool data (Temse) consistency check.The report can delete inconsistencies in the background and it only deletes inconsistencies. Pls refer to note 48400 for the consistency check. See note 98065 - Spool consistency check with RSPO1043 as of 4.0A). SAP Transaction Code SP12 (TemSe Administration) - SAP TCodes - The Best Online SAP Transaction Code Analytics.

TemSe Consistency Check


You can use the TemSe consistency check to check whether entries in the TemSe data store are consistent.



You require administrator authorization.



1.The TemSe consistency check checks the following table entries for all TemSe objects:

¡Header entry in table TST01 (TemSe objects)

¡Object associated with the header entry; it can be stored in the file system or in the database table TST03 (TemSe data of the object)

Temse consistency check background check

The TemSe consistency check does not check the following entries: Viki spotter: professions download free.

Temse consistency check background sheet

§Entries in table TSP01 (spool requests)

§Entries in table TSP02, if output requests exist

Temse Consistency Check Background Check

However, as these entries are important for spool requests, the TemSe consistency check is not suitable as a consistency check for spool requests.

Temse Consistency Check Background Template


2.You can determine TemSe inconsistencies in dialog (transaction SP12® TemSe database ® consistency check) and delete them using the appropriate pushbuttons in transaction SP12.

We recommend that you do not perform the check in dialog due to possible timeouts.

3.You can use report RSTS0020 to determine inconsistencies in the background and delete them in dialog with report RSTS0030. Deletion in the background is not possible.



1.Execute report RSTS0020 in the background. Yes, your grace for mac.

The result is a list of inconsistencies.

Temse Consistency Check Background Image

2.Execute the report at least once more after an interval of around 30 minutes.

You must determine the exact interval based on the length of the running jobs.

3.Compare the results.


It is possible that there is an entry in the first run that is marked as inconsistent, but no longer appears in the second run. This is a temporary inconsistency.

Temporary inconsistencies are not actual inconsistencies and must not be deleted. Temporary inconsistencies may occur, for example, if a user is writing data to the TemSe during the consistency check. A check must be performed more than once to ensure that the inconsistency is not merely temporary.

Inconsistencies that appear in multiple logs are actual inconsistencies and should be deleted. However, you cannot delete TemSe inconsistencies in the background.

4.To perform the deletion, start report RSTS0030 in dialog for the subareas of TemSe, in which the consistency check found inconsistent objects.

5.Select TST01 and TST03 for the check.

6.As soon as the report has generated the object list, you can delete either all or the selected inconsistencies.

Temse Consistency Check Background Sheet

You can only specify the names generically using place holders and not as an area with a lower and an upper limit.

See also:

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