
Based on breaking news and events, it appears that CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva ordered the Israeli Mossad to hijack Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 specifically so that it can be used in a 9/11-style bio-chemical attack, 9/11-style nuclear terror and/or full-scale Islamic, ISIS, Rebel and/or terrorist invasion.

Although Israel is evidently harbouring Flight MH 370, the impending 9/11-style attack will likely be scapegoated onto Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and/or the state-sponsored terror group known as ISIS which was specifically created by the CIA in Switzerland as political cover for biological and nuclear-related terror attacks.

Due to the foiled 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot and the foiled 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the Geneva-based CIA was forced to order the hijacking of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 in order to execute a surprise WMD strike at any time or place in the world.

After weeks of searching for Malaysian Airlines flight 370, another mystery about the flight has started to surface. One of the richest, most powerful people.

The notion that Malaysian…

Mh370 Mossad Movie

  1. MH370: Bukti Mossad Dan CIA Terlibat!
  2. This was a MOSSAD hit, using a micronuclear device. The level of destruction along with the size of the pit that formed all indicate a nuclear explosion as well as the subsequent mushroom cloud. All this was quickly covered up by the easily bought Indonesian police.
  3. The map of southern tip of Diego Garcia shows where the MH370 passengers were detained, at an abandoned NSA complex at the top of the map, recently used as a prison for rendition suspects. Formerly called the Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep Space Surveillance center, it was used by the NSA to track and process data from spy satellites.
  4. MH370 did something odd (loop, landing) between 2:15 and 5:11 2. MH370 crashed much sooner than reported (nearer 5:19) 3. MH370 went somewhere else (e.g. Light blue line) In all three cases, we are being lied to by those feeding us this information. That makes them suspects.

Mh370 Mossad Spy

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